Today i do not feel like commenting a blog,but i can't read this post without leaving a short comment. Very good sentence with a strong life lesson.As i've said,i'm not very inspired to comment,so i don't have anything else to say.
I just love the beautiful images that you post here. Well, as for the saying, I have one curious cat and she is still very much alive, but as they also say, cats have nine lives! LOL!
if it's true that curiousity kill the cat,I have to say that I'm a dead cat!!!But curiousity can be a great thing if this makes us move on...Well, like everithing in this life...
At October 27, 2006 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Today i do not feel like commenting a blog,but i can't read this post without leaving a short comment.
Very good sentence with a strong life lesson.As i've said,i'm not very inspired to comment,so i don't have anything else to say.
At October 28, 2006 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just love the beautiful images that you post here. Well, as for the saying, I have one curious cat and she is still very much alive, but as they also say, cats have nine lives! LOL!
At October 31, 2006 12:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
if it's true that curiousity kill the cat,I have to say that I'm a dead cat!!!But curiousity can be a great thing if this makes us move on...Well, like everithing in this life...
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