Joana Raquel's dream (text handed in as homework on onomatopoeics and interjections)

I was sleeping (zzzzzzzz) and suddenly I woke up because my stomach wanted me to eat something. I went to the kitchen and I saw chocolate cookies with green beans, yummy yummy!! I ate not one, not two but ten boxes of those cookies. After that my door rang and I thought who that could be at that time. I opened the door and I saw the pizza boy. I said:
-Yes! Pizza!
I ate the pizza and bah! It was horrible.
I looked at the time: it was 4:00 a.m. “Oh my God! It’s so late to go to school.” When I arrived at school the only word I said was “cool!” All my teachers were on strike. My best friend told me that they had refused to give us classes and I said:
- Oh, I wonder. Could this be possible?
Suddenly all the people at school came to me begging me to teach them. And… at that same instant I said:
- Are you crazy?! I don’t think so!
But as soon as I finished saying that, all the students picked rocks from the ground and…thank goodness! I woke up!
Joana Raquel